If you already know your way around the basic features and functions of Airtable, then you might be trying to add a new custom field or formula and need to know what they support. Their Formula Field Reference is a great place to start.If you really are stuck, or have something complex you need further help with, we have found their Airtable Community Forums to be a VERY helpful resource. There are some great minds in there and it’s a great, friendly bunch of base users of all levels. Even if you have a really wild imagination and an insanely difficult thing you want to add to your base, its advised to create a post in there.

Additionally, you can find some solutions that we have created ourselves by checking our the videos on our Facebook page, or by joining our Facebook group wherein many of our user’s requests have been solved.

If you have an issue with your Airtable account, then you can visit their Airtable Support page.